Mixed media / 2024 / Acrylic print, LED light / 27 x 17 x 0.5cm

Roman writer Pliny the Elder (23-79AD). In the ancient Greek city of Corinth, Kora, the young daughter of a potter named Butades, attempted to stop her lover from being sent o to war by tracing the contours of his shadow (skia), cast on the wall by a lamp. This drawing is said to be the origin of painting.
This work was made by shining a light on an image that was traced from a moving picture and projecting its shadow on the wall. While Butades’ daughter depicted an image using the shadow as a medium, in this work, Iwasaki mediates the image he made again and expresses it as a shadow.
installation view "17th shiseido art egg  Daughter of Butades" at Shiseido Gallery (Tokyo, Japan)  Photo by Ken Kato
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